After a fulfilling career in telecommunications, I finally reached a stage in life where a lifelong admiration and affection for horses could be realized when I found and purchased our horses. We are using our family's home place to pasture the beautiful gypsy breed of horse.
My niece, Dee Shore, is an animal lover...all the lost or hurt creatures end up at her house as if drawn to the property. She's been involved in the gypsy journey from the start and loves being with the horses.
There is something special about the gypsies, their gentle spirit and affectionate nature, that just makes them a joy to be around and to breed. And the young ones hold no fear of humans, coming right up to you and following you around the pasture.
We'd like to thank the following people for their help in bringing the gypsies to our home place...Parker Place Farm:
Roger Adams
Dee and Brian Shore
Devon and Craig Adams and family
Jerry Jester
Alicia Sama
Jo Ann Miller
Ray Parker
Lisa Shelton